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Help Wanted!

Jhelsa Metal Polishing & Fabricating, Inc. has openings for the position:
Assistant Metal Polisher

  • Experience is preferred, but not required.
  • High school diploma/GED is preferred, but not required.
Apply in person at 1900 N. Austin Ave, Chicago, IL or download the online application Here!
For more information or to submit application, contact Maricel at

Se solicita ayuda!

Jhelsa Metal Polishing & Fabricating, Inc. solicita:
Asistente de Pulidor de Metales.

  • Experienca es preferida, pero no necessaria
  • Diploma de secundaria/GED es preferida, pero no necessaria
Aplicar en persona en la direccion 1900 N. Austin Ave, Chicago, IL o bajar Aplicacion Aqui!.
Para mas informacion o para presentar aplicaciones, comuniquese con Maricel al correo electronico

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